Equipping More Than 800

Dallas Hosts Equipped for Ministries Training Day
March 5, 2020

Burleson, Tex. – More than 800 individuals representing more than 40 churches came to North Dallas on Feb. 8, 2020, for an epic ministries training event. With sessions presented in English and Spanish, attendees could choose from more than 20 different training seminars, as well as attend a general session on church security. 

“I was thrilled to see so many members wanting to be trained for ministries. Their enthusiasm and attendance at this event tells me that the spark, the call to minister to their communities in specific ways, is already there, and that people are just hungry for the tools to start and continue successful ministries for Christ. That’s what Equipped for Ministries is all about!” said Elton DeMoraes, Southwestern Union vice president for church ministries.

The event was held within the Canyon Creek Seventh-day Adventist Church and North Dallas Adventist Academy facilities, where attendees had the opportunity to be trained by ministries leaders and experts from the Southwestern Union, Texas Conference, and the Southwest Region Conference. 

Attendees had the opportunity to learn best practices and proven methods for specific ministries. They received and gained access to ministries resources, as well as insight into how the church can function as a center of hope in any community.

Session topics included Adventist screening verification, children’s ministries, community services, deacon and deaconess ministries, elders’ training, family ministries, men’s ministries, mental health ministries, personal ministries, prayer ministries, reclaiming and retention, Sabbath School ministries, small group ministries, stewardship, treasury, women’s ministries, youth ministries and young adult ministries.

Equipped for Ministries is a program developed by the Southwestern Union intended to provide members with the tools needed to minister to their communities. 

The next Equipped for Ministries event will be held in Northwest Arkansas on August 14-15. For more detail on this and other upcoming events, visit SouthwesternAdventist.org/Training.