82 Kids at VBS, 10 Return and Join Club Ministries

TULSA, OKLA. – “He’s fiercely faithful, more than able, ‘cause He keeps every little promise!” This time of year we think of one main prophecy that Jesus fulfilled: His birth! The First Seventh-day Adventist Church of Tulsa shared the wonderful message of God’s faithfulness this summer during their week-long Vacation Bible School (VBS) program. With 15 VBS-aged kids in their church, the church decided to host a VBS Program.
The plans started months in advance with purchasing the VBS kit and beginning to collect the decor for the “Fiercely Faithful” program. Members started to gather supplies to help decorate the church. As the weeks got closer to VBS day, the church ran ads on social media to invite the local community to attend this event.
Abby Duffy, the VBS coordinator, contacted the communication team at the Oklahoma Conference and asked for help with the digital ads and follow-up texts for the VBS program. Once the ads started, more than 100 parents requested more information about this VBS, a turnout that can only be credited to our fiercely faithful God!
Duffy says, “My overall takeaway from the VBS effort was to stay focused on preparing for the masses, trusting they’d come. We got the whole church involved by praying and inviting people to donate items for the snacks, crafts and décor. That alone got a lot of people involved in kids’ ministry, some for the very first time. We had 50 volunteers at the end of it, with an average of 36 present each night of the actual event week. That was the biggest involvement we’ve had as a church working together since before the COVID-19 pandemic!”
During VBS, 82 kids attended overall and only 15 of those were from the First Tulsa church or were closely related to church members. The amazing news doesn’t stop there. At the end of the VBS program, the children’s team asked the question, “What now? How do we get these kids back?” The answer: club ministries! The team sent out a text inviting the families to the registration day for Adventurers and Pathfinders and had six families from VBS return with their kids to join club ministries! They make up 10 kids in the clubs now. It is so exciting to see what God is doing for this church as they come together to love and support the kids in their church and community.
“We learned to trust God when He places a call on our hearts. He will be faithful. We need to be too!” says Duffy.
By Ashley Alipoon
Assistant to Communication Director