A Church United

VBS Unites Church for Children's Salvation
October 24, 2019

HOUSTON – Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a wonderful way to connect with young people in your community. It could be offered for one day or one week, during the summer or during school breaks.

The Houston West Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston utilized Independence Day to organize a water event for kids.

It was wonderful to see the church united for the salvation of our children. Children’s ministries staff were involved, Pathfinders were leaders, Master Guides were teachers and other church members were creating, sharing and participating.

We ended VBS with the baptism of a young lady who wanted to commit to Jesus forever. I asked her, “Why do you want to be baptized?”

She said, “I love Jesus. I want to be in heaven with Him and I want to be considered an official member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.” What a way to end a VBS!

By Miguel Ramos