A Special Message to Share

I believe that the Seventh-day Adventist Church has been given a special message to help prepare the world for the second coming of Christ. Noah had a message in his day, as did John the Baptist. Elijah also had a message meant to turn God’s people back to Him. Malachi 4:5 tells us that God “will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.” I believe that the message of our church fulfills that prophecy. There are no other churches or movements today that have these messages to share with the world.
Revelation 10-14 tells of a movement to go to the world telling people to fear God, or turn to God, give Him glory and worship Him as creator, which is to bring us back to Sabbath worship and observance. It also proclaims that the time of his judgment is come. This is the last judgment hour message before Jesus comes. It is meant to turn the hearts of God’s people to Him. Revelation 14:12 tells us that God’s last-day people will be characterized by “those who keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus.” This group of people is so serious about their relationship with Jesus that they listen to Him because they have been drawn to Him by His sacrificial death. They love Him because He first loved them. They have been drawn by cords of love. They have faith in Him as their personal savior. They have also been convicted of their need to “Follow the Lamb wherever He goes” Revelation 14:4. They realize that Christ is both Creator and Savior. The first chapters in the Bible speak of both the creation Sabbath and the promised Savior to come. They learned that Jesus is both, so they give Him their hearts and trust Him for salvation and seek to keep His commandments which includes the fourth or Sabbath commandment. This experience brings them closer to Jesus and helps prepare them for His coming. We believe all signs indicate this may be soon. Jesus is both Lord of salvation and Lord of the Sabbath, both of which speak of His desire for a relationship with us. Our mission is to share this everlasting Gospel with the world. And Jesus promises to give us the Holy Spirit to enable us to be successful. What a calling! What a blessing!
By James Shires