All Schools Music Festival

TULSA, OKLA. – “Magnify the Lord!” The voices of more than 200 students rang clear and loud at the Oklahoma Music Festival on Feb. 5. What an incredible and inspiring night! Under the direction of Erwin Nanasi, and with organizers Adam Littell and Carol Thomas in charge, seven schools from around the state gathered at Adventist Fellowship Church in Tulsa for a wonderful evening of praise and worship. This was the first music festival since 2019, and there wasn’t an empty seat in the house!
The festival began with a welcome from James Shires, Oklahoma Conference president, and a prayer by Adam Littell, Oklahoma Conference director of education. Annette Park managed the logistical side of the production, and Caroline Fisher accompanied the students on the piano. The schools that participated were Parkview Adventist Academy, Tulsa Adventist Academy, Ardmore Adventist Academy, Bristow Adventist School, Claremore Heritage Adventist School, Pioneer Adventist Christian School and Muskogee Seventh-day Adventist Christian School.

Nanasi said he “was privileged to conduct the mass choir during the music festival! Just to think that the kids are the leaders of tomorrow filled me with joy and awe. The spirit of unity among our conference leadership, teachers, parents and kids was palpable. God is so awesome! Hallelujah!”

Each school performed individual pieces ranging from traditional hymns to the Judaic “Shalom Chaverim” before the students assembled for mass choirs. Malachi Speidel from Ardmore directed the Second Advent Medley, a mashup he crafted himself, while Kurt Paden, a student from Muskogee, accompanied his fellow students on the guitar. It was awe-inspiring to see these students take charge of a project and make it their own. The teachers of the Oklahoma Conference deserve immense praise for encouraging their students to explore their creativity through music and for recognizing and nurturing their potential.

The highlight of the night was when all seven schools joined together to perform the last few songs of the evening. As the music filled the air and the students’ voices rose in harmony, it was as if the angels in heaven were singing along in unified worship!
This program is possible due to the tireless efforts of our dedicated team of teachers both at their school to practice the pieces and at Adventist Fellowship to supervise their students all day. It took a team to make this program happen, and we have an amazing team!”
By Ashley Alipoon
Photos by Romel Fabriga and Bailley Schmidt