America’s Got Flavor

Area Churches Collaborate to Inspire Members
March 8, 2021

TULSA  - During October and November 2020, several churches in the Tulsa area worked together to bring messages of hope and encouragement to their members and communities. This collaboration brought together Nic Coutet and Karol Mosebay, pastors of Tulsa’s Adventist Fellowship; Nathan Shires, pastor from the Claremore Seventh-day Adventist Church; and  Samson Sembeba, pastor of the First Tulsa Seventh-day Adventist Church, who all worked together on this dynamic series for their churches called “America’s Got Flavor.” The series covered topics such as calamities, finances, social justice and identity. These topics were weighing heavily on the minds of the members of their congregations as well as of those around them.

Each pastor tackled one of the topics for which they were best fit, and they rotated between churches preaching on that specific topic.

The responses from the church members were outstanding. Each church had the opportunity to see each of the pastors from the other nearby churches while being enriched, encouraged and inspired in a time when challenges abound.

The pastors also experienced a lot of fun in getting to know the different congregations. Overall the experience was a positive one and each of the churches is looking forward to the next time this type of collaboration will occur.

By Samson Sambeba, Pastor