Appreciation for a Beloved Pastor

MISSOURI CITY, TEX. – With tears in his eyes yet beaming with joy and gratitude, Rolando Baysa stood on the pulpit as he thanked his congregation at the Metropolitan Seventh-day Adventist Church in Missouri City, Tex. for an unexpected pastor’s appreciation segment.
It was the last Sabbath of October and it was already the end of the sermon during the divine worship service when Baysa stood up to thank the guest speaker, Howard Small. Unbeknownst to him, a few members of the Metropolitan social committee ministry were already waiting for the perfect opportunity to surprise him, as well as the leadership team made up of church elders.

The social committee, along with a few members from the congregation, delivered their message of appreciation one by one. The church was filled with testimonies and tears as the members shared just how much Baysa touched their lives.
One of the members, Nordelina Santos, shared how Baysa has been instrumental in the decision of her son Edrey Santos to become a pastor himself. Another member, Beth DeGracia also shared how Baysa’s prayers and Bible studies for her played a big role in her conversion to the Seventh-day Adventist faith. Many others also chimed in and shared their personal experiences of how much their pastor made a difference in each of their lives.
There’s no doubt that Baysa is truly a man of God who has gone above and beyond in his call of duty as a messenger of God. If time would have permitted, surely, everyone in his congregation would have stood up to share just how much Baysa is deeply appreciated and how he has been an instrument in leading their lives closer to God.
What a blessing that God had blessed the Metropolitan church with a well-loved pastor who is selfless and who truly cares for the flock God has entrusted him with. May God continue to bless the Metropolitan church and may God continue to give Rolando Baysa the wisdom to deliver His message to this lost world in these last days.
By Anna Nabas