Are We There Yet?

Personal Witnesses of God’s Healing Power
March 8, 2021

Erosion of trust/truth, justice denied/delayed, racism; mistrust of governments, politicians, leadership, religious institutions, people groups, personal relationships; domestic violence/brokenness, emotional/mental health issues, COVID-19 pandemic, fatal illness, isolation, quarantining; loss of loved ones, colleagues, church fellowship, work, income; food, testing, and vaccine lines, staying alive! Zoom fatigue, cultural polarization, more...our cups are full, running over!

On cross country car trips, our children would ask, “Are we there yet?” Is it time Our Lord will return? Are we at the time of expectancy for God to fulfill His promises? How do we respond to the “fullness of the time” today as congregational leaders, members? Paul admonishes, “In the fullness of time [but when the right time came (NLT)], God sent His Son...” Galatians 4:4. As John revealed, “The Word became flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood.” John 1:14 (MSG). The God of eternity, who has no beginning and no end, knows time, place and who we need, at the right time. As prophet, priest and king, Jesus came to provide healing, hope and help through divine interventions. This provision assists overwhelmed men and women of God to complete the mission which Jesus began. That same transformative power fulfilled through Jesus Christ and the cross is now ours (Philippians 2:5). Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we fulfill the mission of the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20).

The most powerful form of teaching is modeling. Paul reveals in 2 Corinthians 3:18 that “…by beholding we become changed.” As disciples of Christ, we exercise power in Jesus Christ’s Mission when we disciple others; transparency will be manifested as leaders and members of God’s church. Our transparent lives will illustrate the transformation seen in our marriages, parenting, family relationships, friendships in our neighborhoods and in work environments. Our relatives, friends and neighbors will be drawn to us. Their curiosity creates and compels others to notice our testimonies of God’s intervention during difficult times. While church fellowship is limited to virtual experiences, our everyday lives, worship of God, experienced in personal contacts during the week, as well as on Sabbaths, demonstrate Christ’s healing grace as personal witness of “God with/in us.”

In these latter times of fullness, become the “ stones that God is building into His spiritual Temple. What’s more, you are His holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God.” 1 Peter 2:5 (NLT).

By W. S. Lee, Family Ministries Coordinator