Bible Workers Enhance Evangelism in Oklahoma City

OKLAHOMA CITY – The Southwestern Union evangelistic project for 2024 made this promise of Luke 10:2 a reality in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area by providing the resources to employ four Spanish-speaking and four English-speaking Bible workers. This initiative brought the gospel to many homes in Oklahoma City, leading to an evangelistic series in each of the churches.
Along with going door to door, the Bible workers for the English churches meet twice every month with evangelism coordinator Luis Luciano to enhance their skills and share their amazing experiences. Altogether, they have had 150 Bible studies (including two small group studies) and nine baptisms. Bible worker Daniel Anderson shared, “It has been a blessing to see people allowing Christ to change their lives in ways they never imagined. Also, the Oklahoma Conference has made an impactful difference in ensuring that I have the tools and support necessary to be effective in my role.”
On the Spanish-speaking side, the support of our union has helped achieve great results in mobilizing our church members and in evangelism. Thanks to Osvaldo Rigacci, Southwestern Union vice president for multicultural ministries, and a group of evangelists who came to Oklahoma to support us in our spring 2024 evangelism event, there was a great movement in the churches, and all our members participated in each evangelistic meeting. Our Bible workers are pastors who will be in our territory for one year, and each church is receiving benefits from them as they have motivated our members and have made a great effort to get people interested in receiving Bible studies and preparing candidates for baptism. As a result of this joint effort, we achieved 120 baptisms in our Hispanic churches in the first six months of 2024, and we hope, with God’s blessing, to achieve the same number during the fall evangelism efforts.
We thank our Lord for sending us workers to His harvest in Oklahoma and thanks to the Oklahoma Conference’s administrators for your support and help making this effort possible. It will be rewarded with eternal results.