Called and Chosen: Texico Pathfinder Camporee

ELEPHANT BUTTE, N.M. – We are all called by God and Chosen by God even before we walk this earth! We are told in Jeremiah 1:5 that, before we were formed in the womb, He knew us; before we were born, he sanctified us and called us to be a prophet to the world. This was the theme for the Texico Pathfinder Camporee that took place in Elephant Butte State Park in central New Mexico on Oct. 7-9, 2022.
As Texico’s new youth director, I spent the weekend sharing with Pathfinder area coordinators; Norah Graham, Eliseo Mauricio and Chris and Aimee Clapp how God has “Called and Chosen” each of them, and how He’s “Called and Chosen” every Pathfinder that was present.

It has been many years since the Texico Conference has had a conference-wide Pathfinder Camporee and the clubs in attendance expressed much gratitude and excitement to have a time of fellowship for the young people of Texico. The weekend started out rainy and cold but miraculously cleared in time for all of our weekend’s events. The Lord really held back the rains and allowed us to have a great weekend.
The Gallup Nizhoni Onyx were present with only two Pathfinders, but the staff said they felt it was worth coming no matter how small their club was at the time. The Panhandle Conqueror’s had all but one Pathfinder get sick the week of the camporee, but they still arrived ready for a wonderful weekend. The San Angelo Rams arrived with an impressive crew after only forming three weeks prior. Overall, we had eight out of 16 clubs for a total of 146 Pathfinders and staff from around the Texico Conference to celebrate the start of what we know is going to be a great year for the Texico young people!
As we continue to work with our Pathfinder clubs, I am confident that God will continue to show up and provide opportunities for fellowship and encouragement for our young people. He will also help our club leadership keep working hard for our young people in our churches and communities.
By Eric Chavez, Youth, Young Adults and Club Ministries Director