Creating Space to Tell Your Story

PHOENIX, ARIZ. – As members of the Adventist Education Technology (AETech) team, we were honored to host a booth in the Phoenix Convention Center Exhibit Hall at the 2023 North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (NAD) Educators’ Convention in Phoenix, Ariz.
The team set out to cast a vision for schools to better understand how they can connect with their communities by creating and sharing rich media and unique content.
Equipment from Richmond Academy in Richmond, Va., and Burton Adventist Academy in Arlington, Tex., was used to create a podcast studio and “show and tell” style booth where educators from across the NAD were able to try out various gear, learn about workflow and cost and walk away with a plan for how they might improve their school’s ability to create shareable media content to better tell their story.
Over the course of three days, hundreds of educators stopped by the booth to begin formulating their plans, including many educators from the Texas Conference.
Schools were able to create a promo video with the neighboring Adventist Learning Community (ALC) mobile podcast studio and the ALC support team. Whether through “catching the vision” or creating school promo videos, visitors walked away enriched from the experience and better equipped to share the good news of Adventist Education with their communities.
In addition to the primary AETech booth, a partnership with ALC allowed the team to plan and record an entire podcast season of 12 episodes during the convention.
A stellar group of educators and leaders from across the NAD served as guests and hosts for the podcast, which aims to deliver key messaging and content for current and prospective parents of Adventist schools.
Levi Whitcomb, Texas Conference associate superintendent, served as one of the featured hosts for the podcast. Podcast topics focused on mental health, spiritual development, math, reading and various others, each selected to better equip and inform parents while deepening the message and sharing the uniqueness of Adventist Education.
Look for this podcast season shared across the NAD to help schools bring quality, unique content to their communities.
By Aaron Long
Director of Recruitment and Development