Daughters of Faith

HOUSTON – The Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church was packed Sept.15-17, 2023, as more than 640 people attended the Daughters of Faith Fall Conference for faith restoration and much-needed encouragement and healing.
Sponsored by Texas Conference Women’s Ministries | English, keynote speaker Michelle Hill drew our minds to “The Shadow of the Cross.” As Bermuda Conference Women’s Ministries Director, Hill knows firsthand the challenges facing women today. In “The Shadow of the Cross,” Mary Magdalene went from being a woman of the street to a powerful street evangelist for Jesus.

A breakout session was arranged for the youth to help them deal with their challenges. There were many sessions of prayer and testimony, so all had a chance to share the goodness of God.
We cried through testimonials of cancer and illnesses, rejoiced in presentations on health reform and recognized that there are more than 12 extraordinary women in the Bible who have left us powerful legacies of faith for this generation to continue to build on.
We prayed collectively that our faith would increase and our marriages and families would be restored. We prayed earnestly for our youth and community and that our conference would reach more souls for the kingdom of heaven.
You can find the sessions recorded by the Houston Central church on YouTube.com/TexasAdventist under the Women’s Ministries playlist.
By Sandralee Mars
Women's Ministries English Coordinator