Delegates Vote in Quadrennial Constituency Session

ALVARADO, TEX. – On Sunday, June 11, 2023, the Texas Conference will conduct another Quadrennial Constituency session. For the first time, it will be livestreamed on social media channels and the Texas Conference website:
At this session, attendees review the work that was accomplished in the Texas Conference during the past four years which God marvelously made possible, elect persons to carry out certain responsibilities, such as executive officers, vice presidents, department/services directors, members of boards and committees, vote on any recommendations made by the constitution and bylaws committee, and vote on other conference-business related items.
The wonderful thing about constituency sessions is that every church has representation. Church-voted delegates attend and vote on the different items presented in the session agenda.
There are two types of delegates: regular delegates and delegates-at-large. Regular delegates are Texas Conference church members recommended by their church board to the church body and voted at a business meeting. Their job is to represent that church as a delegate. Each church is entitled to one delegate for the church organization and one additional delegate for each sixty members or major fraction thereof. The delegate must have their membership in that local church.
Delegates-at-large are all members of the Texas Conference executive committee, all members of the Southwestern Union executive committee who may be present at any Texas Conference constituency session, all employees holding credentials or licenses issued by the Texas Conference, officers of the General Conference and North American Division who may be present at any Texas Conference constituency session, all Texas Conference appointed lay pastors, and such other persons recommended by the executive committee and accepted by the delegates in session.
All delegates appointed to represent the members of the Texas Conference at any constituency session must be members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in regular standing.
We are grateful to the Lord for the many church members who accepted the call to serve as delegates at our upcoming session. May God grant them safe travels to and from the meeting. Thank you for praying for all our delegates before, during and after the meeting.
By David Montoya, Executive Secretary