Jesus is Coming to Your House

NACOGDOCHES, TEX. – The Cariker Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a Revival on Dec. 11-18, 2021, featuring the theme “Jesus is Coming to Your House,” with guest speaker Roger Johnson. The evangelistic event was launched in efforts to rekindle the hearts of the church members and bring the community of Nacogdoches to the truth that Jesus cares for them and wants to save them. The messages given each night were powerful, uplifting and portrayed in a format that even the smallest child would have understood. Johnson was indeed under God’s Holy Spirit influence, striking the hearts of the church members and visiting friends. We know that when God sends out His message that it will not return unto Him void, but it will accomplish its purpose. Johnson structured his messages to enlighten listeners about “what happens when Jesus comes to town.” He shared about good things Jesus does wherever He is and the impact He makes in the lives of others. When you meet with Jesus, your life can never be the same. God’s Holy Spirit was indeed in town, using Roger Johnson to influence the souls of Nacogdoches at the Cariker church. The revival was a success, and, at the end, Ajani Brown and Abeni Brown gave their lives to God. Praise the Lord!
By Agatha Moreland