Message in a Mural

HOUSTON – Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church is located in the heart of Houston in the historic third ward community. Third ward is known for Wheeler Avenue Baptist Church, once pastored by the great William A. Lawson. Texas Southern University and the University of Houston are also located in this historic community. The community is home to several restaurants, including those with vegetarian options.
Among the mentioned amenities and more, the third ward is also the home of many murals. Riding around the neighborhood, one will see a variety of murals that tell some kind of story. Moved by the Holy Spirit, the Berean church decided to place a mural on one of the storage containers located on the property. The mural concept was designed by church member Shatoya Kelley.

The mural also serves to remind us that God is still in the prayer-answering business. It is the first phase of the prayer and herb garden for the Berean church. Robert Norwood, pastor of the Berean church, and the prayer garden committee prayed that God would send them an artist that would capture the vision. God did, by sending the muralist known as Premo, shown in the photo standing with Norwood.
If a picture tells a thousand words, this mural should remind the members of our beloved Adventist church as well as those who pass by that we have hope in Jesus’ soon return. We expect that those who may not understand, that the three rays of light represent the Three Angels’ Message will stop by, take a picture with the mural and ask what the meaning of the mural is. Then we can offer them a Bible study of the hope we have in Jesus.
“Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.” Jeremiah 29:12.
By Robert Norwood