New App and Newsletter

DALLAS – One does not have to wonder what is happening in the Southwest Region Conference. There are two new and great ways to be in the know and stay connected thanks to a team of dedicated communicators who are on the lookout for top stories, ministry happenings, inspirational testimonies and photos that are worth a thousand words and more.
One way to stay connected is through the new mobile app, Southwest+. Inspiring and uplifting sermons, general information and giving opportunities can be accessed at the tap of a phone or tablet screen. The mobile app is available for download in the Apple Store for Mac users and the Google Play Store for Android users.
Another way to know the latest happenings is by browsing the new electronic newsletter that is published bimonthly. The newsletter features messages from Southwest Region Conference President Carlton P. Byrd, upcoming events, a pictorial presentation of the ministry life around the conference, executive committee actions, tithe giving reports and more. Subscribe to the electronic newsletter at
A Spanish version is also available! Subscribe at
By Leslie Soupet
Assistant Communication Director