New Southwest Region Conference Pastoral Assignments

DALLAS – On Feb. 11, 2024, the Southwest Region Conference Executive Committee met virtually and voted to hire Alex Royes to serve as the pastor of the World Harvest Outreach (WHO) Seventh-day Adventist Church in Houston, Tex., and Donald Harris to serve as the lay pastor of the Cariker St. Seventh-day Adventist Church in Nacogdoches, Tex. We welcome Royes and Harris to the ministerial team of Southwest Region Conference!
The Executive Committee also voted to make the following pastoral transitions: Robert Norwood to the Ephesus Seventh-day Adventist Church, San Antonio, Tex.; Neylon Samuel to the Baytown Seventh-day Adventist Church, Baytown, Tex. and the Mount Olive Seventh-day Adventist Church, Port Arthur, Tex.; Gilbert Williams to the Berean Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Tex.; Calvin Watkins II to the Emmanuel Seventh-day Adventist Church, Cleburne, Tex. and the Wyatt St. Seventh-day Adventist Church, Waxahachie, Tex.; Eliadis Fermin to the Emmanuel Spanish Company, Cleburne, Tex., Loving Spanish Company, Fort Worth, Tex., Ebenezer Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Arlington, Tex., and the Renacer Seventh-day Adventist Spanish Company, Waco, Tex.; Felix Barrera to the El Paso East Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, El Paso, Tex., and La Gran Esperanza Seventh-day Adventist Church, Santa Teresa, N.M.; and Angel Machado to the Wilmer Spanish Company, Wilmer, Tex., La Roca Spanish Company, Sulphur Springs, Tex., El Faro Spanish Company, McKinney, Tex., Quinlan Central Spanish Company, Quinlan, Tex.
Additionally, the following assignments and appointments were made: Edson Joseph to the Smyrna Seventh-day Adventist Church, Navasota, Tex. along with the current assignment at the New Life Seventh-day Adventist Church and Real Truth Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Tex.; Benjamin Francois to the New Orleans East Seventh-day Adventist Church along with the current assignment at the Glad Tidings Seventh-day Adventist Church, Slidell, La.; Paulo DaSilva to the Lufkin Spanish Company, Lufkin, Tex., along with the current assignment at the New Caney Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Conroe, Tex.; Kessle Hodgson to the Katy Spanish Company, Katy, Tex. along with the current assignment at the Maranatha Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Tex.; Nicolas Herrera to the La Voz Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Katy, Tex. and Corpus Christi Spanish Company, Corpus Christi, Tex., along with the current assignment at the La Esperanza Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Tex.; and Ruben Cols to the La Mansion Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Katy, Tex., along with the current assignment at the Sugar Land SW Spanish Seventh-day Adventist Church, Houston, Tex.
Timothy Lee was appointed to serve as the assistant church ministries director (Bible Worker training and Small Church Evangelism), along with the current pastoral assignment at the Caffin Avenue Seventh-day Adventist Church, New Orleans, La., and Leslie Soupet to serve as full-time communication director.
We congratulate our pastors on their new transitions and appointments as we continue to Move Southwest Region 4Ward!