Oklahoma Academy Mission Week 2022

HARRAH, OKLA. – A group of students from Oklahoma Academy visited the Historic Adventist Village in Battle Creek, Michigan for the school’s mission week. After the students arrived, they moved into their lodging house for the week. The next morning after breakfast and worship, they began work.
Throughout the duration of the week, they helped with needed repairs and renovations on the historic buildings and grounds. The work included grouting a tile floor, painting a house and doing general cleanup on the grounds. On the weekend, they gave tours about our Adventist heritage to the many visitors. “It was great to see our heritage as Adventists in real life. Students hear about their Adventist heritage their whole lives, but seeing it in real life helps them realize it’s not just a story. It’s more than that. It’s how our church began. It was good for the kids to see that,” said staff sponsor Emmeline Schofield.
The girls also enjoyed dressing in period clothing, which helped them look authentic as they gave tours throughout the old village. Joy McCormick, a freshman, said that she “really enjoyed dressing up like Ellen G. White.”
Jolene Anderson, a sophomore, said, “I really enjoyed learning how to lay a tile floor. Grouting was something I had never done before. I really liked that part.” Kaity Rodman, a senior, enjoyed working the grounds. Her vocational assignment at the academy is grounds, and she knew exactly what needed to be done.
Don Scherencel, director of the Historic Adventist Heritage Village, told us, “It is really inspiring to see young people that do good, quality work. Most young people today are too engrossed in their phones to learn good work ethics. These kids have restored my faith in young people. Youth truly is the future of our Adventist church.”
God is at work among the youth of Oklahoma Academy. Our theme this year is “Are You Ready?” We endeavor to train students that are not only ready to be missionaries wherever God may take them but are also ready for Christ’s return. Our mission week is one way of helping train these precious youth.
We’d like to give special thanks to Don Scherencel and the Historic Adventist Village for allowing us to spend that week with them. Thank you for showing our students about the origins of their church.
Pray for Oklahoma Academy as we continue to train young people to serve God. “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” Isaiah 6:8.
By Annelise Jagitsch