Oklahoma Hosts “Pray Big” Prayer Conference
WEWOKA, OKLA. – The weekend of Nov. 5-7, Oklahoma church members enjoyed a prayer conference at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center. The speakers were Southwestern Union Presiden Carlos Craig, Vicepresidents Tony Anobile and Osvaldo Rigacci and Prayer Ministries Director Helvis Moody, along with Oklahoma Conference Youth and Young Adult Director Daniel Ortega. A music group from Southwestern Adventist University blessed the participants. The theme was “Pray Big” because we have a great and awesome God, with whom nothing is impossible, and we should not be hesitant to ask God for great things for His glory and purpose and our needs and ministries.
The format was short devotionals and then quality time to pray together in small groups about the message, asking God to do something special in our families, churches and state. Many prayers were sent up to God and we believe they are already being answered. During Sabbath afternoon, there was a special training time by the Union officers for the elders from the Spanish churches. What a blessing that was for the leaders and pastors of those churches. Many others went into Wewoka praying with people door-to-door to pray and hand out literature. It was a great weekend of spiritual teaching, prayers, training and mission work.
By James Shires, President