Oklahoma Pathfinder Bible Experience
OKLAHOMA CITY – Heads were huddled and voices low as groups of Pathfinders conferred on the correct answer to the question, “According to John 9:3, whom did Jesus say had sinned to cause the man to be born blind?” The Pathfinder Bible Experience is an exciting event that encourages Pathfinders to study and gain a better understanding of the Bible. This year, the event was held on Feb. 4 in three different locations throughout Oklahoma. Twenty teams met in Sulphur, Edmond and Tulsa to test their knowledge of the book of John. The memorization and recall were incredible!
Questions can come from any part of the assigned book and could be about the characters, the plot, the theology or the overall message of the book. It encourages Pathfinders to not just read the Bible but to take the time to study it and understand the meaning of the passages. The event also encourages teamwork and helps build relationships within the Pathfinder clubs.
Participation requires a great deal of studying, memorization and practice. The teams that participate each year come from clubs all over the state. During the competition, teams answer questions on the book of the Bible they have been studying in a quiz-bowl-style format. This year, 10 of the 20 teams advanced to the conference level Pathfinder Bible Experience which was held at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center on March 4, 2023.
This event is a great opportunity for young people to learn more about the Bible and to practice their knowledge. It also gives them a chance to meet and interact with like-minded individuals from all over the state. We are so excited to get together again and see what these young people are learning about the Bible and who will be heading to Southwestern Adventist University for the Southwestern Union Pathfinder Bible Experience and beyond!
Many thanks to the club leaders and parents who help their club members. They are helping to spread the good news and equip people with the knowledge and spiritual tools needed to lead a life that is pleasing to God.
By Ashley Alipoon and
Caroline Fisher