PAA Students Assist with Free Vision Clinic

OKLAHOMA CITY – On Aug. 26, Parkview Adventist Academy (PAA) students worked with the nonprofit organization Better Vision, Better Hope to hold a vision clinic for the local community. Anyone could come and receive vision care for eye exams, prescription glasses, cataract evaluation, diabetic screening and glaucoma screening free of charge.
With 35 appointment slots available, students, teachers and volunteers joined forces to put on this clinic. PAA students jumped right in and helped with pre-screening and glasses fittings.
Vision care is not something everyone has access to, but thanks to Better Vision, Better Hope, residents from around Oklahoma City were able to come and receive the care they needed. It was a blessing to those who received services, but an even bigger blessing to our students, teachers and volunteers who served.
Deuteronomy 15:11 tells us, “There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.”
PAA students have taken this verse to heart. They will be partnering with Better Vision, Better Hope again and putting on another free vision clinic in the coming months. Stay tuned for details!
By Sarah Shepherd