Pledges for Fifth Cabin at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center

WEWOKA, OKLA. – Hispanic ministries events have always filled the current cabins at Wewoka Woods Adventist Center to the max. Prior to Spanish Camp Meeting this year, Luis Prieto, Oklahoma Conference Spanish coordinator, and the administration met to discuss future plans for Wewoka Woods and Prieto received an invitation to take on the challenge of building Cabin Five. Prieto gladly accepted it!

During the yearly Spanish Camp Meeting, Hispanic ministries raised $30,000 in pledges for the new cabin. The Hispanic ministries and Wewoka Woods teams broke ground on July 2, 2023, on the new cabin. It will provide 38 more beds at the camp. The good news doesn’t stop there. Hispanic ministries is gearing up to do all the work to build the cabin! Wewoka Woods staff are thrilled to partner with Hispanic ministries to make this dream a reality in the coming months. If you’d like to help fund this project, mark your offering envelopes “Wewoka Woods Cabin 5.”
By Damaris Prieto