Reach the World

Pathfinders Preach Prophecy Seminar
July 19, 2020

CHEROKEE, OKLA. – Romania! Indonesia! Australia! Ireland! Iraq! India! Brazil! Peru! Ghana! In all, 18 countries and 13 states were reached when the Cherokee Raptors Pathfinder Club presented a “Share Him” evangelistic series LIVE on Facebook. Little did we know in December 2019, when the plans were made, that by the time the evangelistic series was broadcast a pandemic would have everyone stuck at home glued to their Facebook newsfeeds searching for answers? Who knew? God knew! Our tiny club consists of two 11-year-olds and two nine-year-olds and we marvel that God was so gracious and merciful to use us in this way. We are so undeserving of such an awesome privilege as to have been used by our Lord. 

Twice a week through January and February, our Pathfinders met in person or through Skype to continue practicing the sermons that they had been practicing all week. When the time finally came, we used an iPhone attached with tape to a xylophone stick, attached with tape to a microphone stand, attached to an audio adapter, attached to a $13 lapel mic. We used what we had and God made sure it worked! To this coronavirus I say, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” Genesis 50:20. May the Lord continue to bless all of our church's efforts to reach people in these last days with the Gospel of hope. Amen! 

By Gabrielle Simpson