Relevant: 2023 Camp Meeting

ATHENS, TEX. – Exhilarating, inspiring and spirit-filled is how we describe the 2023 Southwest Region Conference Camp Meeting held June 7-10, 2023 at Lone Star Camp in Athens, Tex. From the sermons, music, workshops, food, fellowship, recreation and prayer emphasis, all age groups were blessed by camp meeting as intentional ministry and social opportunities were provided for attendees. The theme for this year’s encampment was “Relevant: Mission, Mindset and Ministry,” with those present being challenged to pursue the mission of the church with a relevant mindset in order to practice relevant ministry.

Guest preachers for the four-day spiritual feast included Wintley Phipps, a pastor, singer and songwriter, MyRon Edmonds, D.Min., and Andrea Trusty King, D.Min. Special musical guests included Ricky Dillard and New Generation, Gale Jones Murphy, MyRon Butler and the Southwest Region Conference Mass Choir. Additionally, there was a special presentation by television judge, Greg Mathis, who challenged attendees, with specificity to the youth, to make correct life choices as he referenced his own journey through sundries of experiences. Another camp meeting feature was the ministerial ordination of Emmanuel Kumah, pastor of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Ghanaian Seventh-day Adventist Church, who was ordained to the gospel ministry.

Most importantly, 42 persons were baptized at camp meeting! These individuals were in addition to the newly baptized members from New Orleans (2023 Good News Revival Spring Evangelistic Meeting) who boarded two chartered buses to attend camp meeting for the very first time!
We look forward to seeing everyone next year, June 12-15, 2024, for camp meeting at Lone Star Camp in Athens, Tex.!
By Calvin Runji