Serving in Christ’s Name

KEENE, TEX. – Since COVID-19, the drive to provide food to those in need tripled. Many of our churches accepted the challenge and are serving their communities. They found new ways to do this such as using social distancing, wearing gloves and masks, having drive-by food pantries and registering clients online. The important thing is our churches didn’t give up, but found ways to safely serve their community, even as the cost for food increased.
Texas Adventist Community Services (Texas ACS) has been able to help many of our churches by obtaining a $25,000 COVID-19 Food Relief grant from the North American Division and a $10,000 grant from ADRA. This has greatly helped these churches purchase more food to distribute to their communities. Along with the grant money, Texas ACS has been able to provide gloves, masks and hand sanitizer to various churches in our conference while providing these same items to many other non-profit agencies across Texas.
By Marshall Gonzales
Adventist Community Services Director