Staying Healthy

Young People Test Their Might on Fitness Day
December 21, 2020

TULSA/OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma Pathfinders and Adventurers participated in their annual Presidential Youth Fitness Program on Oct. 4, 2020. Normally this event takes place at the Bristow, Okla., public high school’s track and field, with nearly 600 individuals in attendance. 

However, this year in an effort to reduce the large number of people at one place (due to the COVID-19 pandemic), it was decided to host the event at two separate locations. Both Parkview Adventist Academy in Oklahoma City and Adventist Fellowship in Tulsa were happy to host our young people for that day. Approximately 150 young people and staff attended each location, where everyone tested their strength, endurance and flexibility through the various physical tests. 

The goal of this program and event is to promote exercise and healthy living among our young people while doing it in a fun and interactive way.

By Daniel Ortega

Youth and Young Adult Director