Stronger Together Men’s Ministries Summit

ATHENS, TEX. – Christian men gathered from all parts of the Southwest Region Conference to participate in the 2022 Men’s Ministries Summit with the theme, “Stronger Together—Maranatha!” on Aug. 26-28, at Lone Star Camp and Conference Center in Athens, Tex. There was great expectation and excitement of this return of the summit, since these gatherings were discontinued during the COVID-19 pandemic of the past two years.
With the music leadership of Tim and Zachary along with the Hudson group, the sharing of gospel messages by Tony Anobile, Southwestern Union vice president for church ministries; Jason North, Southwest Region Conference executive secretary and Carl Ming, Southwest Region Conference youth/young adult director, the men participated in lifting praise and adulation to God in singing and the powerful, practical presentations from the Word of the Lord. Diversity was supported by Spanish language presentations by Vanston Archbold, Southwest Region Conference vice president for diversity and Tony Anobile, in adjacent spaces, adding to the Holy Spirit empowered preaching in diverse languages.
The afternoon sessions were anchored in a plenary session to the entire diverse gathering by Ainsworth M. Lightbody, Ph.D., psychologist/trauma coach and Dr. Lyndon F. Barnwell, neurologist, with enlightened application and address to areas of trauma affecting our men and their families. These discussions connected the lives of men and their families and were continued in personal applications during the breakouts which followed.
In the afternoon, breakouts followed on finances by Lester Smith, C.P.A.; legacy, by McKen Carrington, Attorney at Law; youth and young adult issues, by Carl Ming and Jason North. Breakouts were also provided in Spanish with Dr. Jose Acevedo, Southwest Region Conference health ministries coordinator.
Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min., Southwest Region Conference president, closed out the sessions on Sabbath evening with a commitment and communion service for the gathering of the men of God. Joyous participation in these closing services, and the close of the Sabbath with vespers by Wayne Skinner on “Faith Sharing” provided a high occasion and climax to a blessed, tremendously successful Summit Sabbath.
The men’s ministries planning committee under the direction of W.S. Lee, Southwest Region Conference men’s ministries director, was affirmed and appreciated by the participants attending the summit. All felt the power of the Lord in their lives, and committed to take their outcomes to share with their families, churches and communities. God’s blessings attended the summit and provided safety and protection to all who traveled to and from the gathering.
By W.S. Lee,
Men’s Ministries Director