Summer Camp Testimony

Meeting Jesus at Camp Offers Life-Changing Experience
June 17, 2019

CLIFTON, TEX. – Many kids come to summer camp for the fun or because someone encouraged them to, but when they meet Jesus, some for the first time, they leave with a new perspective, a new friend, and their lives are changed forever. Robert was one of these kids.

Robert shared that his parents sent him to our summer camp to get closer to God and respect them, but he really just came to play sports and have fun. He says he didn’t really know God had a plan for him when he came to camp and thought that he would just have fun. The week really meant a lot though. Robert says it was a big blessing and really got him closer to God.

The reality is that you don’t know what God has prepared for you, but God knows. As always, God truly blesses our summer camp experience. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to share Jesus with young people.

Watch more testimonies and summer camp experiences on the Texas Conference Youth channel on YouTube at

By Paulo Tenorio, Youth Director