The Importance of Consecration

Romans 11:33-35 shares, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! ‘Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?’”
Those verses remind us of the awesomeness of God. It is also a reminder that no matter how long we study God, we will never figure Him out. And that’s okay. We don’t have to know His mind or be His counselor, but we need to accept that what He has given us is far more than we can ever give Him.
Romans 11:36 ends the chapter with, “For from Him and through Him and for Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen.”
Continuing in Romans 12:1, Paul emphasizes what an awesome God we have and shares the importance of what we should do. “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God …”
Paul reminds us that in view of His grace in our lives; in view of a blood-stained cross; in view of the fact that He’s given us His Spirit; in view of the fact that he’s promised us Heaven; in view of the fact that He’s made us a part of a fantastic community; in view of His mercy, we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice.
Those who stay engaged in serving as volunteers with joy instead of burning out understand this. They are motivated by the right fuel, inspired by the right thing. They offer themselves as living sacrifices because God’s mercy is indescribable. The ultimate thing that fuels them is not how good it makes them feel, though it does feel good to serve. They live daily with awareness, as the psalmist expressed in Psalm 116:12, “What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me?” How do I repay Him?
Friends, there’s only one true long-term motivation for sacrificial serving, which only comes from a blood-stained cross. As we accept how Christ served us there, we can offer our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable, to honor the one who died on the cross as a living sacrifice and rose again for each one of us. This is the importance of consecration. Every day, we must say, I set myself apart for you, God. I consecrate myself to you, God.
Paul echoes that sentiment in Romans 12. In view of God’s mercy, reserve yourself. Consecrate yourself for God’s use. The longer we serve, the closer we get to the finish line, the more inviting the goal looks.
Peter wondered if living a life beyond himself would be worth it. Jesus responded that not only will He make it worth our while in this world, but an even greater reward is waiting for each of us in Heaven.
Friend, will you accept the call to serve? Join me in consecrating ourselves daily to serve with the right motivation.
By Elton DeMoraes, D.Min.