The Skinners: Two Hearts, One Beat

GARLAND, TEX. – At the time of this writing, Roy and Evelyn Skinner were the oldest surviving senior couple at the Garland Faith Community Seventh-day Adventist Church in Garland, Tex. They were charter members. Unfortunately, Roy Skinner passed away June 18, 2022, before this article was printed.
Their combined dedication of more than 60 years saw their service in a variety of church areas, including clerk, treasury, children’s ministries, Vacation Bible School, deacon and deaconess, hospitality, outreach, maintenance and beyond. They are the “rarest gems” of the Garland Faith Community church “I will go” members.
Evelyn Anderson Skinner is an Arkansas native while Roy Skinner was a Texan. They were born the same year, just months apart. In 1963, the two were married.
Evelyn was brought up in the Seventh-day Adventist faith while Roy was a member of the Dallas First Baptist Church. Yearning for deeper biblical knowledge, Roy was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the early 1990s, making Garland Faith Community church their second home.
Roy earned the title, “Best Flower Garden and Lawn Manicurist” for the church grounds during that time.
Evelyn, deemed, “The Smiling Flower” and indisputable, “Best Greeter of All Time,” is a genuine fragrance of love, wrapped in hugs, kind words, gentle handshake, warm embrace and thoughtfulness.
Now, in their sunset hours, their unwavering faith in God and each other remained faithfully intact, with their hope firmly fixed on the horizon of eternity.
“The Skinners were the embodiment of what real Christians should be,” said Barbara Griffiths, who, across the miles in Jamaica, made weekly, Tuesday phone visits with them, in appreciation of their Christ-like example to her.
A national treasure they’ve been too. Roy served in the Korean War and worked for the United States Postal Service. Evelyn worked many years for the Republic National Insurance Company.
They were blessed with three children, seven grandchildren, four great-grandchildren and one great-great-grand-child. They celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on April 27, 2022.
When asked to share the longevity to their marriage, they shared their thoughts on three areas:
Personally: “Love, respect, a quick resolving of uncomfortable issues, a sense of humor and always trust God to be your guide in everything.”
Matrimonially: “Never go to bed mad with each other. Dismiss unhealthy contacts and entertain no assumptions—you don’t have to know or solve everything.…” Roy interjected, “We kiss and make up so we can have a good night’s sleep.”
Spiritually: “People come; people go, but God’s word stands forever.” “One thing anyone should … contemplate, this stage of the Christian walk is: ‘Do I want to be saved or be lost?’” “Avoid the power struggle path.” Evelyn added, “We never had much but we had God.”
The Skinners’ faithful service in Christ’s vineyard has greatly impacted all past and current Garland Faith Community church members and beyond. They’ve been truly the “I Will Go” couple.
By Marcia Waugh