The Ultimate Pathfinder Director

MESQUITE, TEX. – It was an answer to prayer when I heard about the Texas Conference Determined Cycling tour coming through Mesquite, Tex., during their first weekend of the six-day, 400-mile tour as they headed to East Texas. They were riding to promote health and to raise funds for a Texas Conference Education Endowment that, when raised, would provide scholarships for students wanting to attend a Texas Conference school but needing financial assistance to do so.
Our Pathfinder leaders had been praying about fundraising options for our Pathfinder club as we want to attend the International Pathfinder Camporee in Gillette, Wyo., in August of 2024. When I learned they were offering donations for Pathfinder clubs fundraising for Gillette in exchange for feeding the cyclists and support staff, it seemed like an answer to prayer.
Our wonderful Mesquite Church family, including Loretta, with her husband Charles Sutphin, and Wayne Webb, a Determined volunteer, left, went to work and provided roughly 100 meals throughout the weekend. The Determined group became like family as we dropped off meals at their hotel and hosted them at the church during their days in the area.
Shortly before they arrived, our church men’s group started a Thursday night gathering—a relaxing time with food and fellowship. Since the Determined group was coming, I contacted the City of Mesquite Mayor Daniel Alemán Jr. Our pastor, Will Klinke, also reached out, so the mayor came to see what it was all about. He welcomed the Determined group to our city and spoke positively about the Determined goal. It was such a special time. I am pictured, left, with him, right, during the presentation. He also posed with the Determined cyclists, support staff and evening visitors.
During our Sabbath evening meal and last meal at the church, it was exciting to share with our new Determined family that our Mesquite Pathfinders placed first in the Pathfinder Bible Experience (PBE), so we were headed to Tampa, Fla., for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists PBE finale.
Sunday morning, after a light breakfast, we said goodbye to the Determined group as they began their six-day, 400-mile ride to East Texas. They were so inspiring that I am determined to help them reach the $1.5 million goal, as only God can do.
Join others determined to reach that $1.5 million goal. Find giving options at or donate to the Determined campaign through Email about legacy giving.
Thank you, Texas Conference President Elton DeMoraes, for joining us for a picture taken by our pastor, Will Klinke, with our first-place PBE winners in Tampa. We are so proud of our Pathfinders and families for their hard work and dedication to participate in the PBE.
If you have a Pathfinder club in your area, please see how you can help them financially, as many want to go to Gillette. It is a life-changing experience to gather with 50,000 Pathfinders from all over the world to complete honors and worship our Lord and Savior, the ultimate Pathfinder Director.
By James Ayonga