Through the Storm

Praises and Prayers in the Aftermath of Hurricane Ida
October 27, 2021

ATHENS, TEX. – We praise God for His blessings on His people individually and collectively as a conference family! This is especially true when we consider the impact and effects of Hurricane Ida which most recently swept through Southern Louisiana. Although property was damaged, electrical power was challenged and water issues were paramount, God spared the lives of His people within the Southwest Region Conference territory as we have not heard of any of our members who lost their lives due to this catastrophic storm. However, we pray for those individuals who did lose family members within our communities, coupled with the thousands (inclusive of our churches and church members) who must now pick up the physical, financial, and emotional pieces of rebuilding after such a storm.

Special thanks to our conference officers, our departmental directors, pastors, conference workers, Lone Star Camp staff, Community Service/Disaster Response team leaders and members and church members for your prayers, support and relief efforts in the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. Across the conference, you have labored, sacrificed and supported in this process. We thank you!

Lone Star Camp has served and continues to serve as a haven for those who have had to evacuate from their homes. Should individuals need continued shelter at our campground, kindly contact our conference office at 214.943.4491.

Most recently, the Disaster Response Leadership Team of the North American Division visited Lone Star Camp to provide support to our evacuees. Derrick A. Wiltz (pictured above), a Louisiana resident who was housed at Lone Star Camp, shared his experience. Watch it now at

By Carlton P. Byrd, President