Vinita Church Receives Double Sabbath Blessing

VINITA, OKLA. – On Sabbath, May 11, 2024, we had the wonderful privilege of seeing a precious couple testify of their love for Jesus in baptism and their love for each other in marriage.
When Greg Sawin met Toni, a traveling nurse, their relationship deepened until they decided to get married. They wanted to marry in the Vinita Seventh-day Adventist Church, where Greg had attended while growing up.
Although he lost his relationship with Jesus as a teenager, he still believed the biblical doctrines he had been taught and, as he shared them with Toni, the Holy Spirit brought deep conviction to his own heart. When Toni expressed her sincere desire to be baptized, Greg knew that he needed to rededicate his own life to Jesus and be rebaptized.
Their faces were radiant with the love of Jesus and their love for each other as Jerry Mayes baptized and married Greg and Toni Sawin. Greg expressed gratefulness and praised the Lord for the promise of forgiveness and a new life in Christ, saying, “My past is my past and my future, with Jesus and Toni, is my future.”