DALLAS – In the month of August, the Women’s Ministries Department of the Southwest Region Conference hosted a 4-week spiritual growth series entitled “Wilderness - Growing Off the Grid.”
We explored a variety of topics that deal with the realities of everyday life. We discussed and shared guidance on how to safely traverse difficult seasons in life. The event was virtual and took place every Friday in Spanish and every Sunday in English. Some of the topics explored included living through and growing from trials and pain, as well as learning to increase listening skills and patience.
The English speakers included Desiree Bryant, associate director of ministerial spouses for the North American Division; Adrienne Townsend Benton, pastor and chaplain; Alicia Trusty-Jones (pictured left, third row), pastor, and Heather Dawn-Small (pictured center, second row), women’s ministries director for the General Conference.
The speakers for the Spanish event included Loyda Mota, Ana Lugo, Sulema Ramírez, pastor and educator, and Silvia Moreno, psychologist.
We were reminded that God’s desire is that every person reach their full potential. But this growth does not happen when we are at ease. This growth requires grit and tenacity. We grow most when off the grid and in the wilderness of life. That is where we find out who we truly are.
It is in those tough moments and spaces when our faith is tested that we learn to trust most fully. Those moments are when we realize God holds us in the palm of His hands and is with us every step of the way.
By Leslie Soupet
Assistant Communication Director