Women’s Ministries Fall Retreat

NORMAN, OKLA. – On Oct. 10, 2021, the Oklahoma Conference Women’s Ministries Department hosted a fall retreat at the Embassy Suites in Norman, Okla. The theme was “Guard Your Heart and Grow in Jesus Christ.” There were women in attendance from across the entire state and also from our wonderful neighboring state, Texas.
While the long lines subsided, registration badges were passed out, and the women walked into a beautiful ballroom. Each table was decorated with a small gift, resources and a beautiful centerpiece. The theme color was blue; a wonderful variety of beautiful women could be seen wearing beautiful shades of blue.
After a few announcements, a beautiful poem and the welcome by Karol Mosbey, a rousing roll call of the churches present was given by Ella Suttle. The program began with an invitation from Josiah Mullins for sisters to worship together. The women sang hymns of worship, followed by the platform speaker, Cynthia Mercer. She taught about the importance of guarding your heart and the steps to take to do so. It was a phenomenal unpacking of scripture focusing on the importance of sisters supporting and helping each other while guarding their heart.
After a delicious lunch consisting of pasta, grilled vegetables and sandwiches, the second part of the program began. Ninett Campos, Hispanic Ministries and Women’s Ministries leader, and Damaris Prieto led the women in making a beautiful craft jar containing Bible promises. While the craft was a blessing for the women present, there was also an emphasis to utilize it as an evangelistic tool to share with family, friends and other women.
The women were blessed with another awesome hymn by Josiah Mullins as well as an informative and transformational presentation about growing in Jesus by Cynthia Mercer. During both sessions, we had a wonderful ministry for the tween and teen girls led by three collegiate young women–Kiara Kincaid, Jimena Velazquez and Ariana Kincaid.
In addition, there was a talented team of women who translated the messages into Spanish.
The final thought was presented by Karol Mosebey, who spoke the blessings from Deuteronomy 7:12-15 over the women. The retreat closed with prayer and a last hymn from Mullins, “It Is Well With My Soul.”
God blessed the retreat immensely with His presence and His purpose. He kept the inclement weather from disrupting the retreat. Praise God! The retreat was an anointed and uplifting day of focusing on Jesus Christ, fellowship and fun activities for evangelism. Thank you Oklahoma Conference for your support of the women's ministries department. A special thank you to Carlene and Damaris Prieto for assisting and blessing the women in a profound way. Thank you to the team of volunteers; your service was excellent. A heartfelt thanks and blessing to every woman and girl who attended. May God continue to keep, guide, bless and transform you and your family all the days of your lives, in Jesus, name.
By Karol Mosbey