A Fresh Start

Twenty years ago, I found myself coming out of a coma in intensive care at the hospital. I had a port of six IVs in one arm and a port of eight IVs in the other. I had a port put in for dialysis and almost bled out on the operating table. Suffice it to say, I shouldn’t be alive to share this with you.
The good news is that God worked a miracle and I have been able to tell of His wondrous work for many years since then. I am extremely grateful to Him and all those who prayed earnestly for my recovery. He gave me a fresh start on life once more.
That is the business that our God is in. He is always working to move on the hearts and lives of His creation. He is interested in doing that which will bring about a growing and deepening relationship and walk with Him.
David, the great king of Israel, learned much of God’s miraculous, saving power throughout his lifetime. God continued to work in a powerful way in David’s life, even when faced with serious falls and struggles. Did God discipline? Yes. But God also heard David’s anguished cries and continued to move in his life.
When David prayed, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me,” God heard and delivered. Psalm 51:10 (NASB).
The good news is that it is the same with all of us. We only need to cry out to our Lord, like David. I challenge you to do so and see what great things He can do in you and through you. As we begin a new year, may 2023 be a fresh start in your walk with God. And may you be blessed beyond measure.
By Richard C. Dye, Sr.