Adventurers in Action

Springtown Stars Host Church Social
October 17, 2018

SPRINGTOWN, ARK. – The Springtown Stars Adventurer Club recently hosted a church-wide social to raise funds for their club.

The theme for the social event was “Springtown High: My Senior Year.” Guests were transported back in time (or not so far back) to their senior year in high school.

As a part of the event, attendees were encouraged to dress in the fashion of their high school senior year. They enjoyed entertainment from those high school days.

Everyone enjoyed a “mystery” cafeteria-style meal served by the Adventurers who were dressed up like traditional cafeteria workers. The Adventurer leaders and parents planned the entire evening for the church. The Springtown Stars and their leaders have played an active role in the Springtown Seventh-day Adventist Church.

By Bryan Yeagley