Baptisms at Marthaville

Church Celebrates With New Members
March 8, 2021

MARTHAVILLE, LA. – The Marthaville Seventh-day Adventist Church recently celebrated with Aria Moore and Bryce Hendrickson as they committed their lives to Jesus through baptism.

Aria had approached pastor Stephen Orian one Sabbath after the worship service and requested baptism. Orian assured her that after she completed the Junior Baptismal Workbook, they would set a date and have her baptism.

Bryce had already been attending church for quite some time when Orian came to give interim pastoral leadership. Largely through his own personal reading and study, Bryce became convinced of the truth of the Sabbath, the state of the dead, the Sanctuary message and accepted Ellen White’s prophetic gift through extensive readings of her work. Though he had been baptized in a previous church, he chose to be rebaptized. At the close of the worship service, Orian and his wife, Micki, presented Aria and Bryce with their baptismal certificates and gifts to celebrate the occasion!

By Stephen Orian, Pastor