“Camp Texico on the Go” Kicks Off Summer

CORRALES, N.M. – Running, jumping, endless laughter and squeals of joy are just some of the wonderful sights and sounds of summer camp! On June 12, the Texico Conference was happy to officially kick off its newly-revamped summer program, “Camp Texico on the Go.” The traveling camp model involved a group of directors and camp staff hitting the road to five different locations throughout the conference. Offering many great activities for kids ages 7-13, the summer camp debuted in Lubbock, Tex. Twenty kids initially signed up, and by mid-week, 30 kids were participating.
“That might seem small for the first week of a summer program, but seeing that growth mid-week was a huge success,” said Eric Chavez, Youth, Young Adults and Club Ministries director. “The first stop in Lubbock was filled with blessings and activities which included using remote-controlled cars, rockets, kites, making tie-dye shirts and so much more.”

Each week proved to be a blessing. Camp Texico on the Go stopped in Lubbock, Amarillo, Albuquerque, N.M., El Paso and Midland, Tex.
“The week in Lubbock came and went faster than we could process, then we were onto Amarillo. Amarillo was a great experience, and it was such a joy to see the church excited and ready for us. The doors were opened, the grass was mowed and ready for the kiddos to run, play and worship,” said Chavez. “After Amarillo, we were off to Sandia View Academy in Albuquerque, then on to El Paso and Midland. The weeks were full of great fun, singing silly songs and calling young people to a life of following Jesus and seeing Him in everything that we do.”
This is the first year the Texico Conference has opted to travel with its camp program on the road rather than having it at a fixed location. However, camp organizers are optimistic that it is a great way to reach and include kids that may not be able to travel to a summer camp otherwise.
“The traveling camp model is a great way to take Jesus and new experiences to young people where they may not have the opportunity to join a summer camp,” said Chavez. “It is also an endeavor that will return a hundredfold when we get to heaven and see that one young person that had that one special experience with the staff of Camp Texico on the Go.”
Seeing its success, Camp Texico on the Go plans to continue using the traveling camp method until circumstances indicate otherwise. Campers had a wonderful time and are looking forward to doing it again next summer.
“Despite not having enough time to include more fun, each week brought its joys, challenges and overall victories,” said Chavez. “It is the small moments like singing songs, explaining how the strength of paracord is like the strength of the Lord in our lives or comparing lava lamps to the integration of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and minds that made the summer special. The Holy Spirit was always moving and filled our campers’ hearts and minds. He knew exactly what they needed!”