Elders Certification Program

SHREVEPORT, LA. – When you’re asked to take a position in your church, how do you know what your duties are? There are many facets to church leadership that can be enhanced with a little training and materials.
Leonardo Melendez, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference’s church ministries director, has made it a priority to equip and prepare the lay members to be more effective in their churches.
The conference’s first-ever elders’ certification meeting on Aug. 18 was a wonderful equipping of church leadership across the conference. Presentations in both English and Spanish covered topics of: “Elders as Leaders of the Church,” by Jeff Villegas, executive secretary; “Spiritual Warfare Ministry,” by Leonardo Melendez, church ministries/evangelism director; “Conflict Management,” by Rudy Alvir, ministerial director; and “Healthy Relationships,” by Rick Dye, president.
More than 70 elders showed up to the meetings, which were held at the the conference office in Shreveport. With higher-than-expected attendance, the conference room was overflowing, and participants had to break into smaller groups. The elders in attendance were blessed by the fellowship and the knowledge imparted from both the speakers and from other elders. Everyone who participated received a certificate.
Elders came to Melendez and said, “We have never experienced a training where we can be intentional and address the concept of leadership as we have done here.”
The time has come when the conference elders and leaders need to be certified and prepared for the work that needs to be done. God has called us to work for His cause, and through the certification program, the leaders will be well-equipped.