I’m A Disciple: Hispanic Camp Meeting

ATHENS, TEX. – We are grateful to God that after two years of meeting virtually, we finally made it back to the campground to celebrate our Hispanic Camp Meeting.
Under the theme “I’m a Disciple Moving Southwest Region Forward” we enjoyed an amazing and blessed memorial weekend that started with a Hispanic ministerial retreat. Our pastors came together for two days of fellowship and spiritual enrichment. The presenters included Southwest Region Conference President Carlton P. Byrd, D.Min. and the Southwestern Union leadership team, President Carlos Craig and Vice Presidents Osvaldo Rigacci and Tony Anobile. After this experience, we were ready to receive our members.
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference Multicultural Director José Pagán spoke and challenged the attendees to be disciples and disciple-makers. Madero, the guest musical group, took us to the throne of grace through their worship in song. Milton Coronado, pastor, spoke to the youth and inspired them through his graffiti ministry and life experience that they can use their gifts and talents to be disciple-makers wherever they are.
Camp meeting culminated with the graduation of more than 100 disciples who completed the discipleship certification program. At graduation, they committed to return to their local communities and churches to inspire others to be disciples and to make new disciples.
Women’s Ministries offered a seminar on women and entrepreneurship from a biblical perspective, as Raquel del Orbe inspired mothers to fulfill their career dreams while still being able to care for their children and family. Sergio and Nilda Rodriguez spoke to the couples and shared ways to enrich their marriages. Leslie and Jose Soupet motivated the attendees to grow their own food at home in order to secure nutrient-rich and safe foods amid economic and environmental turmoil. Southwestern Union Ministerial Spouses Director Letty Craig met with our pastors’ spouses and shared tools they can use to help the local women who are facing abuse.
The camp meeting concluded on Sunday with recreation and sports events for everyone. We left joyful and grateful to God for the time spent together with brothers and sisters from all over the conference. We look forward to next year and beyond to the time when we will all gather together to celebrate the greatest camp meeting in Heaven with all of God's people.
By Vanston Archbold, Jr.
VP for Multicultural Ministries