It Pays to Be Kind!

KATY, TEX. – Students at Katy Adventist Christian School in Katy, Tex., raised over $5,000 last spring by giving away something extremely valuable but not a monetary price tag—the gift of kindness.

When teachers asked the students if they could think of an act of kindness they could do for another person, the students eagerly raised their hands, and many suggestions followed. One idea was to collect food and toiletries for the new Katy Seventh-day Adventist Church Community Outreach as a “kindness” gift to the community.
A website was set up for two weeks for family and friends to “sponsor” the students with a gift of any size for their “kindness” gestures. The school received over 200 food items and reached its initial $3,000 goal in the first week. Parents and donors contributed over 50 personal hygiene items and an additional $2,000 during the second week.

A new multi-seat, commercial-grade swing set greeted the students this school year. As they swing to new heights and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine, teachers will remind them that all of this comes from a God who loves them.
By Ronald Moller, Sr.