Pathfinders Experience Life-Changing Camporee

GILLETTE, WYO. – The Arkansas-Louisiana Conference had 524 Pathfinders and staff participate in the International Pathfinder Camporee. It was a big change from Oshkosh, Wis., where international camporees have been held in the past, but the 65,000 Pathfinders camping in a town of about 35,000 people met the challenges of travel, camping, elevation and environmental issues and made this a wonderful memory-making camporee.
All the Pathfinder clubs were allowed on campus on Monday and started setting up their campsites in preparation for the opening activities at noon on Tuesday. As always, pin trading was a big activity. Finding the best pins was hard with so many people and pins available, from single pins to complete sets. Activities were non-stop, with daily onsite activities including a morning and evening flag raising, many honor classes, an obstacle course, ax throwing and a daily rodeo (which was a big hit with the Pathfinders). Offsite activities included outreach projects in town, a soccer tournament, pickleball, basketball, swimming and visits to museums and technology centers in the area.
The evening programming centered around the life of Moses with the theme, “Believe the Promise.” The programs were excellent in presentation and message. There was an altar call, and 1,000 responded. Baptisms were conducted each night before the evening program. There were 1,187 Pathfinders baptized during the camporee. On Friday evening, six Arkansas-Louisiana Pathfinders made their stand for Jesus and were baptized. To God be the Glory!

It wouldn’t be a Pathfinder camporee without weather challenges! And on Tuesday evening a storm came in, causing an evacuation to the main buildings for cover. Heavy rain and high winds caused havoc with tents and canopies. Most of the clubs’ tents and gear got wet, but the Pathfinder spirit took over, and all the clubs worked together to help each other out. Even the Gillette community helped bring in dry blankets and several churches and hotels gave floor space for the night to help those in need. The Gillette community was a huge blessing to our Pathfinders.
After much prayer and deliberation with the weather center, the camporee staff decided to make the Friday evening program the final program for the camporee. There were predictions of a severe storm with high winds, heavy rain and hail coming during the scheduled Sabbath evening program. Many of the clubs chose to leave early before the storms on Sabbath.
Each conference held their own Sabbath morning Master Guide investiture. The Arkansas-Louisiana Conference had eight Master Guides invested. Following the Master Guide investiture, Arkansas-Louisiana Conference President Rick Dye delivered the Sabbath worship message.
After all was said and done, God did bless this wet and stormy “Believe the Promise” International Pathfinder Camporee. Our Pathfinders enjoyed rubbing shoulders with other Pathfinders and were able to see that their clubs are part of a huge worldwide Pathfinder organization. We are looking forward to seeing a Pathfinder gathering like this in heaven.