Teen Prayer Conference Resumes
MOUNTAIN PINE, ARK. – The Arkansas-Louisiana Prayer Ministries team, under the direction of Lanette Bieber, held the Annual Teen Prayer Conference at Camp Yorktown Bay (CYB) on Oct. 22-24, 2021.
It was the first time getting our young people together since COVID-19 hit; the conference was enthusiastically attended by 107 young people and their sponsors. The weather was perfect spending time outside in nature, and it was wonderful to be back at Camp Yorktown Bay for the Sabbath activities.
The theme was “Choices” and the five speakers shared about the direction their lives had taken as a result of choices they had made at different times in their lives. The young people divided up into groups and rotated through different activities designed to give them experience with trusting in God even when you can’t see the end from the beginning.
The music was outstanding–Jefferson Christian Academy led out in the song services and closed the conference with a mini concert.
By Sylvia Downs