Through the Storm: Bonnerdale Miracle

August 31, 2022

BONNERDALE, ARK. – On April 13, 2022, the Ewing Adventist Junior Academy experienced a particularly scary school day. During class, a strong wind picked up outside the building. Within moments, Mrs. Mooney, principal, announced the tornado drill and the staff and children quickly made their way downstairs to safety.

Mrs. Mooney said she could see the direction of the wind as it came down toward the ground, then turned upward as it came to the little agricultural greenhouse, swooping upward to avoid the building. 

When the children and staff came back upstairs there was flooding everywhere. Water was leaking through the roof. Looking at the damage from outside, one could see where the corner of the roof had lifted and turned back up on itself. There was tar paper scattered across the lawn.

We’re very thankful it didn’t hit the windows and it missed the greenhouse. It went right over it. From two of our youngest students, we heard these words of wisdom: “I cried” and “I prayed.” And God kept everyone safe.

With mitigation and the insurance company, the repairs are being done. While the building is being repaired, classes are being held in the Sabbath School rooms of the church through the end of the school year.

By June Bates