Youth Revival

Working Together In Spite of a Global Pandemic
March 8, 2021

LITTLE ROCK, ARK. – One of the greatest challenges that faced the church during 2020 was how to minister while shut down because of COVID-19. We began to livestream on Facebook and YouTube. We learned to conduct Zoom meetings and found that we really can do a lot of things from home. But home becomes very confining after a while and even more so for young people.

That is why the Little Rock Spanish district took the initiative to revitalize the youth department of the church. The leaders of our Adventurers, Pathfinders and Master Guides played an important role.

The young people started wanting to be able to gather where they could keep their social distance but continue to fellowship as church members.

The clubs began to work side by side with the Clarksville Seventh-day Adventist Church where the food pantry has access to large shipments of food. Our district has been impacting the city of Little Rock weekly, where they have been feeding more than 1200 people. It takes many helping hands for this process to take place and we have around 35 people helping on a weekly basis. The majority of these are young people and young adults who are passionate about doing ministry for Christ.

Our young people are taking hold of the torch of sharing the good news with an attitude of working together to achieve a common goal as a district. Certainly, the youth have had a revival that has made the church wake up and work together for the cause of Christ.

By Leonardo Melendez, Pastor